terça-feira, 11 de novembro de 2014

Is it time for a new Google mission statement?

By Andrew Keen, Special to CNN
November 10, 2014 - Updated 1125 GMT (1925 HKT)

6. Original Mission: You can make money without doing evil
Tweak: You can make a lot of money without doing good.

Editor's note: Andrew Keen is a British-American entrepreneur, professional skeptic and the author of "The Cult of the Amateur", "Digital Vertigo" and the upcoming "The Internet Is Not The Answer." The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely his.

(CNN) -- After 14 years, Larry Page has confessed to the Financial Times that Google "probably does need" a new mission statement. Back in 1999, Google came up with "ten things we know to be true"that defined the then-little Silicon Valley start-up. So here are some suggested tweaks to make the Google's original mission statement more relevant in 2014.

Ten things we still know to be true.

1. Original mission: Focus on the user and all else will follow

Tweak: Follow the user and all else will come into focus (...)

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