quinta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2014

Why corporations are desperate to destroy net neutrality

(Credit: Associated Press)

A free Internet is vital to the country's infrastructure. For our plutocrats, it's merely another profit center

This article originally appeared on AlterNet.

When it comes to Internet Service Providers and high-speed Internet, the consumer marketplace has hardly been a model of competitiveness. Some of us are lucky enough to be able to choose from two providers, and some of us only have access to one.

These digital conduits are essential parts of America’s utility infrastructure, nearly as basic as electricity and water pipes. They connect us (and our children) to worldwide knowledge, news, diverse viewpoints and other fundamental tools of citizenship. And, of course, we can buy and sell through them, be entertained, run our businesses, connect with friends, get up-to-the-minute scores, follow the weather and—yes indeedy—pay our bills.

Yet while this digital highway is deemed vital to our nation’s well-being, access to it is not offered as a public service, i.e., an INVESTMENT in the common good. Instead, it is treated as just another profit center for a few corporations.

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